18th-20th Sept - University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland

25th & 26th Sept - Rhodes College, Memphis

Thursday evening plenary lecture for ACTC conference considering core texts in a liberal arts education, Talk title: 'The Idea of the Sacred in a Secular Curriculum'. Further paticipation in the conference on Friday 26th where the discussion will attend to the shared aim and scope of liberal arts education and core texts that stretch back to Athens and Jerusalem, and across a worldscene to Mecca, Bernares and Peking.

28th-29th Sept - Weekend conference, The Future Symphony Institute, Baltimore

Inaugural conference The Future of the Symphony, Roger's talk at 4pm on Saturday will consider 'Music and the Transcendental' - More info and essay by Roger on his musical education here. Tickets for the weekend to include full program of speakers and light refreshments are available to purchase from the Future Symphony Institute's website.

29th Sept - Discussion at the John Hopkins Law School, Baltimore

1st Oct - 'The Need for Beauty' - Christ College, Valparaiso

5th-8th October - Ave Maria University, Florida

Talks under the following headings will be delivered 'Beauty, Kitsch & Home', 'Understanding Music', 'Persons and their Brains', 'The Soul and The Face'

12th Oct - At the invitation of All Souls Episcopal Church, Oklahoma City

Evening talk, on themes explored in 'Our Church' by Roger (A personal history of the C of E)

13th-14th Oct - University of Oklahoma


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