Roger Scruton’s The Disappeared, Revisited by Daniel J. Mahoney

"The late Roger Scruton’s prescience (he died five years ago this month) becomes more apparent with each passing year. Thirty or forty years before others began to come to terms with the cultural rot eating away at Western societies, Scruton took aim at a “culture of repudiation” that left the democracies spiritually gutted and at war with the civilizational inheritance that had been nobly, if imperfectly, passed on to us by our forebears. The English philosopher and man of letters dared to criticize multicultural pieties and to express gratitude for a free and decent way of life under threat from “armed doctrine” abroad (in Burke’s inimitable phrase) and the proponents of oikophobia or self-loathing at home. In the superb 2014 novel Notes from Underground, he exposed the duplicities, betrayals, and moral compromises that defined everyday life even among the small band of independent thinkers who refused to capitulate to ideological mendacity in a Czechoslovakia still under communist captivity. At the same time, he gave anti-totalitarian moral heroism its full due."

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