Living with beauty: report of the Building Better, Building Beautiful Commission

‘Living with Beauty’ the report of the Building Beautiful Building Better Commission was launched on 30th January by the Secretary of State Robert Jenrick MP and Roger’s co-chair Nicholas Boys-Smith. They both paid wonderful tribute to Roger. Nicholas ensured that Roger’s thought and writing was included right up to the last edit for which I will always be grateful. The report says: “Ask for Beauty”; “Refuse Ugliness” “Promote Stewardship”
“We should recognise that the pursuit of beauty is an attempt to work with our neighbours, not to impose our views on them. As Kant argued in his great Critique of Judgment, in the judgment of beauty we are ‘suitors for agreement’, and even if that judgment begins in subjective sentiment, it leads of its own accord to the search for consensus.”

The full report is available online:


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