Building Beautiful: An interview with Nicholas Boys Smith

On September 28, 2020, the Roger Scruton Legacy Foundation hosted the first interview of its new online event series Building Beautiful. The event featured Nicholas Boys Smith, Founding Director of Create Streets and the co-Chair of the Building Better, Building Beautiful Commission, in conversation with the Foundation's Senior Fellow in the Built Environment Samuel Hughes.

The full interview can be seen here on YouTube.

Scrutopia Book Club

Join us on Friday 23rd October at 2pm for the second in our series of virtual book club meetings. 


What to read: Conversations with Roger Scruton, and I am delighted to confirm that Dr Mark Dooley will be introducing. Copies are available directly from our online bookshop.

On the day:  Please note you will need to ensure you are joining in the correct time zone! We will be meeting at 2pm London time . Here is an example table for other parts of the world: 

East Coast 

Cotswold Region & London 

North America 
East Coast 
New York City 

North America 
West Coast 
Los Angeles 

11:00 pm 

2:00 pm 

9:00 am 

6:00 am 


At the end of the session, we will propose the next read and book club date. 

Register your interest with me via our new eventbrite page -

Before & After Scruton, The European Conservative - 17 Aug 20

I usually jest that my life divides into two parts: ‘Before Scruton’ and ‘After Scruton.’ My first five books were devoted to Søren Kierkegaard, Jacques Derrida, ethics, and postmodern theology. Since then, I have published three books directly on Sir Roger Scruton, and two others that owe much to his influence

Roger Scruton’s Architectural Morality, The American Conservative - 15 Aug 20

Very few of us will ever be referred to in the adjectival form. Yet Roger Scruton (1944-2020) deserves such an appellation, and as early as 1985, “Scrutonian gusto” appeared in a snide 1985 Architectural Review piece. The Oxford English Dictionary does not yet list “Scrutonian,” though it cites Sir Roger’s heroes, those who follow “Kantian” and “Hegelian” philosophy; “Burkean” is oddly absent, but his intellectual enemies, such as “Sartrian” and “Marcusian,” are also there. Had Sir Roger only been one of the leading philosophers of aesthetics of the past century, “Scrutonian” would have aptly described the spirit of his work. Still the more notable wordplay on his surname came some time later, when Sir Roger himself began referring to his farm as “Scrutopia,” an amusing but memorable neologism that would go on to become a summer school at his rural Wiltshire retreat, drawing many visitors from far beyond British shores.

Scruton’s housing vision is finally being realised - The Spectator, 10 Aug 20

The government’s white paper on planning reform makes frequent reference to Roger Scruton and his Building Beautiful Commission – on which I worked as Scruton’s research assistant. If Scruton had lived to read the white paper, he would have found much to like, especially its commitment to building the homes the country needs. But he would have insisted that the proposed reforms can only succeed if the government gets the details right in its plans to win the consent of local people. Consent based on drastically raising the aesthetic standards of new buildings and by enabling communities to share in the benefits of development. Read the full article by Samuel Hughes HERE.

Planning for the future

Secretary of State for Housing, Communities & Local Government Robert Jenrick has opened the Planning for the future consultation proposing reform to the planning system to streamline and modernise the planning process, bring a new focus to design and sustainability, improve the system of developer contributions to infrastructure, and ensure more land is available for development where it is needed. Seeking to create better quality neighbourhoods and homes, we are pleased to see reference to the Building Better, Building Beautiful Report. Useful links below:

Green Philosophy Day 6 Sept 20

***This is event is now sold out, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you would like to be put on the waiting list***

We are excited to be able to share with you the first in our open philosophy day series, the Green Philosophy Programme. Please join us on Sunday 6th September at Sundey Hill Farm for Green Philosophy, How to think seriously about the planet. We will be joined by experts including Ian Christie, George Monck and Tim Bonner and Frances Ward. 


10am                      Arrival: Tea and Coffee

10.30 – 11.30am       ‘Green Philosophy’ introduced by Ian Christie

12.00 – 12.30 pm      ‘Litterary Oikophilia’ by George Monck

12.30 – 1.00pm        ‘A Green Countryside’ by Tim Bonner


2.30pm – 3.30pm      Panel led by Frances Ward in discussion with Lucy Scruton, Gemma Jolliffe and Saurav Tamang on the subject of:

‘Like There's No Tomorrow: Climate Crisis, Eco-Anxiety and God’.

3.30 – 4.30pm          Full panel discussion (all speakers) and Q&A

4.30pm                     Next steps for Scrutopia and Green Philosophy

5pm                       Depart

Panellists, biographical details

Ian Christie is senior lecturer in social science of sustainable development at the University of Surrey, also formerly head of the think-tank Demos and a founding member with Roger and Sophie of the Town and Country Forum. His tribute can be read here.

George Monck  Chief Executive of the charity CleanupUK and one time assistant to the organist of Garsdon Church.

Tim Bonner is Chief Exectutive of the Countryside Alliance.

Frances Ward is an Anglican Priest and theologian who served as Dean of St Edmundsbury from 2010 to 2017. She is the author of “Like There's No Tomorrow: Climate Crisis, Eco-Anxiety and God

(Sacristry Press, March 2020). Frances Ward’s tribute can be read here

Lucy Scruton is an undergraduate studying Biology

Gemma Jolliffe is an undergraduate studying Geography

Saurav Tamang is a sixth form student

Tickets are available from the website. 

Adults: £50; under 25s/Students: £20 

Please use booking form attached and e-mail attendance to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Scrutopia weekend on Roger Scruton’s Aesthetics

**Postponed** We are delighted to share with you the wonderful programme which has been thoughtfully curated with Roger’s interests at heart for this year’s Alumni meeting.We recognise that many of you are unable to travel or join us this year, but we wanted to share the programme in case your reservations have changed or restrictions lifted. We have a small group so far confirmed and now that we have a fabulous weekend planned, the opportunity is open to all. 

The cost of the course will be £1200 per person, payable in advance by 14th August. As ever, this will cover everything for the duration of the course, but does not include your travel to the RAU on Thursday 27th August.  Please do not hesitate to be in touch if you have any questions or would like to reserve your space.

Please take a look at the Programme Brief

Please get in touch for full details. 


To contact The Roger Scruton Estate, please email:

or visit our CONTACT page for further details



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