England: An Elegy

England: An Elegy

SKU: RS9781472983060
10 In Stock

Bloomsbury (2001)

In this poignant and personal tribute Roger Scruton gives an account of England which is both an illuminating analysis of its institutions and culture, and a celebration of its virtues.

Covering all aspects of the English inheritance, and informed by a unique philosophical vision, England: An Elegy shows that there is such a country as England, that it has a distinct personality and endows its residents with a distinct moral ideal.

"'Elegant and moving...a classic elegy.' Melvyn Bragg, Independent 'Lovers of England and the English will find themselves reading this long farewell with constant exclamations of agreement and flashes of new understanding...The most powerful and touching parts of it are snatches of Scruton's own autobiography.' Peter Hitchens, Express on Sunday"

Dimension (L x W x H) 198 x 129 x 0 Millimetre
Weight 312 Gram

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