Fools Frauds and Firebrands

"Outstanding and very necessary" Laetitia Strauch - Standpoint 

"Unlike many conservatives, Scruton isn’t merely a debunker, but offers a way out of Marxism." Ron Capshaw - National Review

"“He neither ridicules nor abuses the writers he considers; he patiently deconstructs them, first explaining their work in terms they themselves would recognise and then laying bare their warped assumptions and empty pretentions." Barton Swaim - Wall Street Journal

 "Scruton is brilliant at the patient demolition, in sorrowful yet witty tones, of wobbly conceptual edifices. Yet the zingier, more knockabout new title promises more fury than the book supplies." Steven Poole - The Guardian

"Scruton's stylish writing and his knowledge and passion for his subject make this an entertaining read." Patricia Duffaud The Book Bag

“…he largely sets aside constructive philosophical work in order to dismantle the dismantlers. This he does with rhetorical vigor and flair, and though he often paints with the broadest of brushes and does not always make the distinctions perfect fairness would call for, his critique is a powerful one indeed.” Alan Jacobs, The American Conservative

“Scruton’s book is not the dispassionate examination and measured assessment of philosophical arguments typical of analytic philosophers. It is a polemical dissection and indictment of the perceived destructive aims and tactics of the left.” —Samuel Freeman, The New York Review of Books


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