'What Conservatism really means' Zaytuna College, April 18

Roger Scruton and Hamza Yusuf meet in the library of Zaytuna College to have a wide-ranging discussion on the true meaning of conservatism.

Click here to watch the conversation - https://youtu.be/iawSzFZg-vw

How to be a Conservative - Hoover Institute Interview

Recorded in February during a short visit to America, Peter Robinson of Uncommon Knowledge at the Hoover Institute interviewed Roger. 

You can listen to the full interview here: 


A full transcript is also available: 


'The True, the Good and the Beautiful' The Wheatley Institute, April 17

As part of Sir Roger's Spring visit to America, a talk titled 'The True, the Good and the Beautiful' was presented to the The Wheatley Institute. You can watch and listen to the whole lecture via YouTube here

Philosophy and the Public Culture - A public lecture at Princeton University April 17

It is with great pleasure and gratitude that I accepted the invitation from my friend Robby George to speak here, under the auspices of the Madison Program, about my work. It was in this very university, nearly forty years ago, that I discovered my vocation. I had been invited to take up a semester-long fellowship with the Council for the Humanities; and I was to give a course of graduate seminars in the philosophy of architecture, based on the book that I was currently writing. That book, The Aesthetics of Architecture, published by Princeton University Press in the same year, 1979, has remained in print ever since, and it defined my subsequent path as a writer. I was to be a professional philosopher, a member of the analytical school of thinking that has been such a distinguished presence here in Princeton. But I was also to be an advocate of high culture, a champion of art, literature and music against the real and imaginary philistines. I was to teach, as a university professor, in the realm of abstract argument; but I was to live and write in the realm of concrete experience, where art reigns supreme. 

"Sex and the Academy" The Anscombe Society, Princeton University. (Oct 15)

Princeton Anscombe Society’s 10th anniversary event

A panel discussion featuring some of the most recognised names in philosophy today: John Haldane, Roger Scruton, and Candace Vogler, and moderated by Professor Robert P. George. Panelists  discuss the role of sex, gender, value, aesthetics, and the transcendent in university life.

"The Future of European Civilisation: Lessons for America." The Heritage Foundation, NY (Oct 15)

What can Americans learn from Europe?

America has much to learn from Europe’s current condition. The decline in religious faith has led to a universal weakening of European society and a loss of confidence in the value of its civilization. And the effects have been grave: throngs of unassimilated immigrants, military threats from abroad, and confusion about national identity. America, by contrast, still shows many signs of strength.


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