Confessions of a Heretic Revised Edition

Notting Hill Editions 2021

Introduced by Douglas Murray

A collection of twelve provocative essays by the philosopher and political thinker Roger Scruton. Each ‘confession’ reveals an aspect of the author’s thinking that his critics would probably have advised him to keep to himself.

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Where We Are: The State of Britain Now

Bloomsbury (2017)

Addressing one of the most politically turbulent periods in modern British history, philosopher Roger Scruton asks how, in these circumstances, we can come to define our identity, and what in the coming years will hold us together.

SKU RS9781472965141
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A Land Held Hostage: Lebanon and the West

Claridge Press 1987

In this book, published in 1987 during the course of Lebanon's civil wars, Roger Scruton explains and defends the old settlement of Lebanon, and the emergence in modern times of the only Arab country in which politicians gained and relinquished office without the aid of bullets. 

SKU RS1-870626-00-1
36 In Stock
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Modern Culture

Bloomsbury (2000)

Received by the British press with equal acclaim and indignation, this book sets out to define and defend high culture against the world of pop, corn, and popcorn.

SKU RS9781472969033
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England: An Elegy

Bloomsbury (2001)

In this poignant and personal tribute Roger Scruton gives an account of England which is both an illuminating analysis of its institutions and culture, and a celebration of its virtues.

SKU RS9781472983060
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A Political Philosophy: Arguments for Conservatism

Bloomsbury 2006

What principles should govern our relations to the nation-state, to the environment, to other species, to other cultures and toother ways of life? How should we approach marriage, religion, evil and mortality?

SKU RS9781472965226
9 In Stock
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The Uses of Pessimism

Atlantic Books (2010)

The argument of this book proposes  that the tragedies and disasters of the history of the European continent have been the consequences of a false optimism and the fallacies that derive from it. 

SKU RS9781848872011
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Confessions of a Heretic

Notting Hill Editions 2016

Twelve hard-hitting essays arising from a decade of engagement with the public culture of Britain and America that touch on matters of concern to all intelligent people, in the volatile times in which we live.

SKU RS9781910749128
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The West and the Rest

Bloomsbury (2002)

In this astonishing new book, Roger Scruton argues that to understand adequately the roots of Islamic terrorism, one must understand both the unique historical evolution of the state and the dynamic of globalization.

SKU RS9780826470300
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Conservatism: Ideas in Profile

Profile Books 2017

Roger Scruton looks at the central ideas of conservatism over the centuries. He examines conservative thinking on civil society, the rule of law and the role of the state on the one hand; and freedom (including freedom of expression and association), morality, equality, property and rights on the other. 

SKU RS9781781257524
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Fools Frauds & Firebrands

Bloomsbury (2015)

The thinkers who have been most influential on the attitudes of the New Left are examined in this study by one of the leading critics of leftist orientations in modern Western civilization.

SKU RS9781472935953
6 In Stock
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How to be a Conservative

Bloomsbury (2014)

What does it mean to be a conservative in an age so sceptical of conservatism? How can we live in the presence of our 'canonized forefathers' at a time when their cultural, religious and political bequest is so routinely rejected?

SKU RS9781472924001
9 In Stock
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