Scrutopia Summer School Announcement

Following on from the Government’s latest COVID-19 public statement we are sorry to announce it is not possible to hold the Scrutopia Summer School between the 29th July and 7th August this summer. We feel the Summer School is all about friendship, socialising and intimate seminars which would be difficult to conduct in our present situation. In addition, air travel is likely to be extremely difficult.

This is an unprecedented and challenging time for everyone and the health, safety and enjoyment of all those that attend and are involved with the summer school remains our number one priority.

We apologise for the delay in making this announcement but are grateful to you all for your support and co-operation at this busy time. Sophie and I would like to take this opportunity to thank and wish you well through this challenging time.

In Memoriam

In Memoriam

Dr Martin Mansell MD FRCP LLM Consultant Nephrologist has died of Covid-19. Martin enrolled in the University of Buckingham MA in Philosophy 2018/19 and was supervised by Sir Roger and by Samuel Hughes. He also attended the Scrutopia Summer School Alumni meeting of 2019 ( see picture: A visit to Knight's Mill)  and is fondly remembered for his kindness, his lively scepticism and his searching questions in pursuit of truth. He was deeply interested in the ethics of organ donation, researching legal and moral questions surrounding the work to which he had devoted his distinguished professional life.


Wagner’s Parsifal by Roger Scruton review – in defence of the insufferable - The Guardian, 30 May 2020

Wagner’s Parsifal by Roger Scruton review – in defence of the insufferable. Stuart Jefferies for The Guardian.
Nietzsche famously called Wagner’s last opera poisonous, but does its theme of redemption offer an antidote to our ills?

Read the full article HERE

Wagner's Parsifal - due for release 7th May 2020

‘Wagner’s Parsifal – The Music of Redemption’ 

This short but penetrating book, by a writer who was uniquely both a leading philosopher and musicologist, shows us how Wagner achieves this profound work, explaining the story, its musical ideas, and their coming together into a sublime whole which gives us the musical equivalent of forgiveness and closure. There are few writers who can so enhance our understanding of one of the greatest works in western music.

Reviews - 

Scruton is one of the finest philosopher-musicians since Schopenhauer. Jonathan Gaisman, Standpoint

Highly original and penetrating ... he writes about the music authoritatively but comprehensibly... lucidly, cogently and even entertainingly. Tim Blanning, Literary Review

A brilliant gallop through the master's religious, musical and philosophical contexts. Sue Prideaux, Spectator

After reading this book, only the most unadventurous reader would turn down the chance to see Wagner's masterpiece. Economist

Find out more at

News from Scrutopia - 1st April 2020

Click HERE to read the latest from Scrutopia. 

News from Scrutopia - 31st January 2020

Click HERE to read the latest from Scrutopia. 

Living with beauty: report of the Building Better, Building Beautiful Commission

‘Living with Beauty’ the report of the Building Beautiful Building Better Commission was launched on 30th January by the Secretary of State Robert Jenrick MP and Roger’s co-chair Nicholas Boys-Smith. They both paid wonderful tribute to Roger. Nicholas ensured that Roger’s thought and writing was included right up to the last edit for which I will always be grateful. The report says: “Ask for Beauty”; “Refuse Ugliness” “Promote Stewardship”
“We should recognise that the pursuit of beauty is an attempt to work with our neighbours, not to impose our views on them. As Kant argued in his great Critique of Judgment, in the judgment of beauty we are ‘suitors for agreement’, and even if that judgment begins in subjective sentiment, it leads of its own accord to the search for consensus.”

The full report is available online:

Building More, Building Beautiful.

We’ll make it easier to build beautiful homes, to end the myth that quality is the enemy of supply
Robert Jenrick, Housing Secretary. (Sunday Telegraph ‘Comment’ section 25 January 2020)

New homes that conform to local residents' ideas of beauty to be fast-tracked through planning system
Edward Malnick, Sunday Political Editor. (The Telegraph, Front page Sunday 25th Jan 2020)

The Commission will be launching the final final on Thursday 30th January. 

Advance Order: The Classical Vernacular: Architectural Principles in an Age of Nihilism.


The Classical Vernacular Carcanet Press (1995) 

We have requested a new print run of The Classical Vernacular and are taking advance orders. 

The essays, from the perspective of 'the classical vernacular', explore the nature and meaning of architecture, defending architecture without architects, and the 'vernacular tradition', that 'vulgar tongue' which is the natural language of space, proportion and light. He provides a comprehensive critique of modernism (not only the heartless modernism of architecture) from a serious intellectual perspective, based in a philosophical aesthetics which he has propounded in earlier books including The Politics of Culture (1981), The Aesthetic Understanding (1983) and The Philosopher on Dover Beach (1990), all published by Carcanet in its collections of Scruton's major essays and articles.

How to buy from us:

If you would like to order an advance copy -

Please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The cost will be £25 plus P&P. Please note, a delivery date has not yet been secured so please be patient! Thank you. 


To contact The Roger Scruton Estate, please email:

or visit our CONTACT page for further details



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